About API call limit

Is it possible to bypass the user-level API call limit described in the following URL or make it unlimited?

And, if my account type is Business+, is there no daily limit for Medium APIs? (For Free, there is 2,000 requests/day, but there is no description in Business+, so I would like to confirm just in case.)

Hi @Takayuki_Hanawa , we would need to submit a formal rate limit increase request on your behalf. If that’s something you’d like to undergo, I need the following info responded to the private private message I’m initiating with you (you’ll see it in your notifications):

  • developer email associated with the application
  • client id
  • relevant API endpoints
  • request Limit Changes
  • rationale for why not webhooks

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Thank you for your reply.
I just want to know if there is a way to bypass/unlimit the API call limit.

If I submit a formal rate limit increase request and it is accepted, what is the API call limit?
Also, if the account type is Business+, is it correct to understand that the Medium API does not have a daily call limit?


Hi @gianni.zoom ,

If the account type is Business+, is it correct to understand that the Medium API does not have a daily call limit?


Hi @Takayuki_Hanawa , you cannot bypass/unlimit the API call limit. You can use some combination of webhooks (depending on the API endpoint) to reduce the number of requests, but beyond that, we sometimes increase rate limits on a case by case basis. The amount to which it would be increased is determined by the approving team.

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Thank you for your reply.

If you check the URL page below, the business+ does not list a daily request limit.
If the account type is Business+, is it correct to understand that the Medium API does not have a daily request limit?

Hi @Takayuki_Hanawa , the request limit for Business+ is the 60 requests/second. It does not have anything specified for date. Endpoints that have specific user level limits will still apply though, so make sure to check the limit for each endpoint to see if it falls in that category.

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Thank you for your reply.

I understand that the table I shared with you shows the rate limits of the account level.
Why is user level rate limiting relevant?


Hi @Takayuki_Hanawa , because some individual endpoints have their own rate limits regardless of what type of account you have. On that same documentation page it says that some endpoints have rate limits on the user level.

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Thank you for your reply.

To summarize the information so far, I understand as follows.
Is my understanding correct?

For example, if you use the Medium API with a Business + account, the rate limit is only 60 requests per second, but the user level limit for Indicated by the yellow line in the image (100 meetings can be created and updated per day) affects that, so the same user cannot create more than 100 meetings per day.


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Hi @Takayuki_Hanawa this is correct!

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