About API rate limit increase request

I want to increase the user-level rate limit limit.
How can I check the necessary information for that?
My representative recently informed me that I would need the following information:

・developer email associated with the application
・client id
・relevant API endpoints
・request Limit Changes
・rationale for why not webhooks

In particular, I do not know where to find the following information.
・client id
・relevant API endpoints

About “rationale for why not webhooks”, can a single user create and update more than 100 meetings in one day using webhooks?

We would like to confirm something more.

User A, who runs the API, was able to create 100 meetings hosted by User B, but failed to create the 101 meeting with an error.
Does this mean that User A running the API is not rate limited, but User B hosting the meeting is rate limited to 100?
(After the above, can User A create up to 100 meetings hosted by User C?)

This is a part of your application information/credentials.

These would be the specific endpoints you are using that you believe you need a rate increase for. The rate limit increase team will need to review your current usage of the endpoints to determine if they approve the request.

Was it created within 24 hours? Is this a hypothetical question or this is what you actually did?

Hi @gianni.zoom ,

Thank you for reply.

>・client id
>・relevant API endpoints
I understood these two points.

Yes, I actually created a meeting within 24 hours.

Since then, more progress has been made.
Run the API User A created 100 meetings hosted by User B and was able to create 1 or more meetings hosted by User C within 24 hours.
These determined that the user-level rate limit was for the user hosting the meeting, not the user running the API.

It matches the description of the yellow line in the figure below, so I understand that it works correctly.
Is my understanding correct?


That’s correct; the rate limit is applied to API calls per meeting host user per UTC day (your highlighted sentences). It’s not tied to the user that hosts the application (the bolded sentence, so that wording is a bit misleading).


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