API Volume and Rate Limits


I am working with an account of 500 users, and we are developing some tools/dashboards for oversight that requires pulling in the current state of each user’s meeting (teachers in a classroom).

Currently, I am limited to pulling 300 users at a time via the API - this seems low, especially as Zoom and we grow to need more users. Is there a plan to increase this call’s limit?

Also, we use the user information to check if a user has a meeting running, and then to check the participant list (think attendance checking in a school) - we are sometimes rate-limited running this check on just a few hundred of these rooms - can you tell me what the rate limit is for the Zoom API? If not an exact number, an approximate value, so that we can make some educated choices about our logic, and/or to help guide future API feature requests.


Hi Carl,

You are correct - we limit the number of user blobs that is returned in a single API call to 300. We have limited this to mitigate performance issues. We don’t have immediate plans to increase this but we will take a note of your feedback and see if we can increase this further without creating bottlenecks

On the other issue, our QPS of common API calls is 25 and the QPS of report API calls is 3.  We will make sure that this is documented.

Thanks, Wei

That’s great to hear, Wei :slight_smile:

What’s the cooldown period for hitting/exceeding those limits? I want to make sure I know what our fallback/wait option is if we hit the rate limit by mistake.


The cooling period is 1 second. So, a simple retry would do in most cases


Thanks for the info, Wei :slight_smile:

Wei said:  -> On the other issue, our QPS of common API calls is 25 and the QPS of report API calls is 3.  We will make sure that this is documented.

Is the user/list method a “Report API” call and thus QPS = 3?


We’re seeing 403 when making just a few page requests = 

_message: Sorry, the maximum number of api requests are already reached. Please try later.   
code: 403_