Increase daily limits of Zoom API


I am extensively use the Zoom API to manage and schedule meetings for my project. As our operations have expanded, we have found the current limit of 100 API requests per day for creating and updating meetings to be a constraint that critical affects our efficiency.

I kindly need to an increase in our daily API rate limit. This change would significantly aid in optimizing our operational workflows and enhance our ability to serve our clients effectively. The option of using different accounts does not work for me.

How can I do request to to this? or where can I go to get the issue resolved?

Best regards

Hi @zv1 ,

Do you have a customer success representative or account manager with Zoom that you work with? I would recommend going through a rate limit increase request with them. If not, I will follow up to get more info to assist you.

Good afternoon Gianni, unfortunately we don’t have a Zoom account manager yet, if you could contact them I would be very grateful