About apple Notarization

Notarization tips for uploading packages using xcode 10 “SDK_Transcode.app”, “airhost.app”, and “aomhost.app” must be rebuilt with support for the Hardened Runtime. How can I solve this?

Hi chendb,

Thanks for the post. The frameworks in the folder “ZoomSDK” need to be re-signed. Please re-sign the above 3 frameworks. Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hi Carson_Chen,
I have re-signed the above three files, but uploading the notarization package on xcode 10 still reports the error in the above picture.
What should I do? Thanks!

Hi chendb,

Thanks for the reply. Are you using auto notarization? Our SDK does not support auto notarization at the moment. It is recommended to use command line to do the notarization. You may refer to: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution/customizing_the_notarization_workflow?language=objc for more info.


For thous whom it may concern, don’t forget to use --options=runtime when re-signing frameworks. This enables hardened runtime.

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Thanks for sharing this! :smiley: