New SDK code signing


Can you advise on the correct approach for code signing with the new mac SDK (universal/arm version) now that this works with xcode 12 do we still need to code sign manually or is there something more simple we can do?

Also, as an FYI your documentation on the marketplace website is now horrendously out of date as it still advises that you should set kZoomSDKAppKey and kZoomSDKAppSecret which were both deprecated at least 9 months ago…


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Hi @richard1,

I am not aware of any changes to the SDK in this release that would allow for a different signing process. Are you experiencing any issues with signing the latest version that we should look into?

Apologies for the outdated documentation. We will work on getting that fixed ASAP.


I was having trouble getting the new sdk to notarize - I’ve fixed it now and it seems something has changed as I’m now able to sign and notarize through Xcode without resorting to the command line as much, although I still need to manually re-sign all of the libraries

On that note, could I request that on each update you include details of frameworks and bundles added and removed as it would really help with updating existing projects

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Hi @richard1,

That’s great that you are able to sign and notarize through Xcode now! There have definitely been changes to how signing is managed with the newer versions, so it is not surprising to hear this.

On that note, could I request that on each update you include details of frameworks and bundles added and removed as it would really help with updating existing projects

This is a very reasonable request. We can definitely do a better job of conveying this information in future releases. :slightly_smiling_face:


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