Access to Interpretation Functions

Problem 1: No way for telephone-based participants to access interpretation channels.
Feature Request 1: Ability for telephone-based participants to select (and switch) language channels.

Problem 2: No way to access live-interpretation channels via Web SDK.
Feature Request 2: Ability to access and switch between live-interpretation channels via Web SDK.

Problem 3: No way to tell if a user is accessing an interpretation channel
Feature Request 3: Indication in Web SDK of participants’ language channels and API access to participant count/usage minutes of audio channels for past meetings.

Problem 4: No way to record language channels to the cloud.
Feature Request 4: Ability to record language channels to the cloud.

Problem 5: Interpreters cannot speak on the main room audio channel.
Feature Request 5: Ability for interpreters to switch between language channels and main room audio via Web SDK.