Access token does not contain scope 'team_chat:read:list_user_channels'

Zoom Apps Configuration
using python3, authenticating using Server-to-Server OAuth

How do I add the scopes for: blah://

  • I have added granular scope ‘team_chat:read_list_members:admin’.
  • granular scope ‘team_chat:read:list_members’ is not available
  • I have also tried adding all of the scopes
  • other endpoints work such as, listing users and listing user channels

What I’m Trying To Solve
Get all channels created by a specific user and then get all of the messages from users within each channel.

[2024-08-28 11:27:42,437] ERROR:test.zoom:Failed to list channel members. Status Code: 400, Message: {“code”:4711,“message”:“Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[team_chat:read:list_members].”}

Troubleshooting Routes
Tried adding more scopes

How To Reproduce
Use Server-to-Server OAuth and try to list members of a chat channel

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Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Community!
Allow me some time to troubleshoot this on my end and will get back to you with and update.

Hi Elisa, thank you. Hopefully we get a reply soon.

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Hi @elisa.zoom - is there any update yet. Thank you

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A colleague and I are also seeing a similar issue. We are trying to get all channels, and to receive details of those channels.

When querying /chat/channels/{channel_id} as our Server-to-Server OAuth app, we receive the below:

  "code": 4711,
  "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[team_chat:read:channel]."

This occurs both in Python3 and PowerShell7. Our app has the following scopes:

  • team_chat:read:archive_channels:admin
  • team_chat:read:channel:admin
  • team_chat:read:list_channels:admin
  • team_chat:read:list_user_channels:admin
  • team_chat:read:user_channel:admin

Not sure if this is related but we also only receive public channels when querying /chat/channels/.

@elisa.zoom Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @matt.eisenberg and
thanks for your patience while we work on this issue.
Our Engineering team has identified this on our end and we are working on a fix.
I am waiting to hear back from the team with an estimated timeline for the release of this fix.

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Thanks for confirming Elisa! Just to clarify, is private channels missing from /chat/channels/ responses related to this issue?

Hi @matt.eisenberg
I am still waiting to hear back from our Team with the estimated timeline for this!
About the last question you asked, can you share more details about this issue? Or do you know if there is an existing thread that I can take a look at?

Hey @matt.eisenberg
I have found another endpoint that you can use while we work on this issue

This endpoint will allow you to user the Server to Server aoauth app to get a list of channel members

Hey Elisa, there is no other thread that I am aware of –

When querying against GET /chat/channels/, we receive only our public channels, 9% of all channels. No private channels are returned.

The call:

    $Query = ""
    $Body = @{
       page_size = $PageSize
       next_page_token = $NextPageToken

I am wondering if the issue identified by the devs earlier in this thread may also relate to our inability to retrieve private channels?

For the record, the public channels that do return from the above command cannot be queried against later. via /chat/channels/{channel_id}:

  "code": 4711,
  "message": "Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[team_chat:read:channel]."