This application launches a new window from in the zoom client (the linkedIn navigation window) and also adds a button (linkedIn button in participants lists).
How can we do that? Is there a way to enhance the UI of the zoom client with a toolbar of our own? Can we add extra icons in the meeting toolbar?
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately this does not answer my original question.
So, is there a way to modify the Zoom client UI, just like the LinkedIn app? (launch a new window from the zoom client and add a button to participants lists, or enhance the UI of the zoom client with a toolbar of our own?)
“So, is there a way to modify the Zoom client UI, just like the LinkedIn app? (launch a new window from the zoom client and add a button to participants lists, or enhance the UI of the zoom client with a toolbar of our own?)”
You won’t be able to edit the Zoom client directly, but you can use the SDK to built your own client and then you have a lot of control. For example you can edit the bar to be displayed how/where you want.
@TimZoom So, adding something to the Zoom client, just like LinkedIn did is not a functionality available through the API. What is the procedure for that?
We have a Java SDK that provides pretty robust features. Have to taken a look at that? Right now this is all we offer publicly, but we are working on bringing new features in the near future.