adjustUserAudioVolumeLocally function question

During the audio function

What does the userId parameter in adjustUserAudioVolumeLocally mean? When running the video sdk, I do not pass the userId. Please let me know.

Hey @wnsgh3156

Thanks for your feedback.

The stream.adjustUserAudioVolumeLocally method, as its name suggests, is used to adjust the volume of a specific user locally within the session. This action does not affect other users in the same session. In other words, other users are not aware that their voice on your side has been adjusted.

The userID parameter specifies the user whose volume you want to lower or raise.

Typically, you can use this method to achieve private voice chat functionality in a session by lowering the volume heard by other session users. When you want to privately chat with another user in the session, you can lower the volume they hear from you.
