After leave meeting i cannot rejoin meeting

I am the host of the meeting, and after i leave the meeting the meeting ui is closed and ive left succesfully, and a notification is still showing “meeting is in progress”, I cannot rejoin the meeting by pressing the notification ui.
how can i rejoin this meeting ?
how do i programatically know the status of my meeting after the meeting activity is closed.
if i cant join this meeting, how i do end that particular meeting programatically?

Hi @codelogicapp,

Thanks for the post. Are you using Zoom default UI or custom UI? Is this issue reproducible with our demo app? If so, could you provide the steps to reproduce this?


Hi @carson.zoom,
I am using default Zoom UI, This particularly happens when I am the host of the meeting and I leave the meeting, other users are still in the meeting and a notification is showing “meeting still in progress”, this happens ocassionally. These are the steps i found the error in.

Also one quick question how do you differentiate meeting end and meeting leave events on onMeetingStatusChanged function ?

Hi @codelogicapp,

Thanks for the reply. I have tried the steps you are mentioning with our demo app but I am not able to observe the issue. What is the device and the Android OS that you are using that could reproduce this issue?

To differentiate the end and leave a meeting, please refer to my answer here: Differentiate End and Leave meeting callbacks
