Differentiate End and Leave meeting callbacks

I need to differentiate whether the host has ended meeting or just left the meeting.
I tried implementing following callbacks, but the values returned by both these functions are the same in the event of both end and leave meeting. :

public void onMeetingLeaveComplete(long l) {

public void onMeetingStatusChanged(MeetingStatus meetingStatus, int i, int i1) {

Hi @codelogicapp,

Thanks for the post. The host ends or leaves the meeting are 2 separate actions. If the host leaves the meeting, it will trigger the listener onMeetingUserLeave and the listener onMeetingHostChanged. If the host ends the meeting, then the listener onMeetingLeaveComplete will be triggered. The callback mentioned above are in https://zoom.github.io/zoom-sdk-android/us/zoom/sdk/InMeetingServiceListener.html.
