After updating to 64x Version ( no video appearing )

after updating the SDK to 64x version and I am starting a new meeting from function startMeetingWithParams

you will see a screen like an audio meeting no video appears.!

Which version?
the version 64x

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Start meeting from function startMeetingWithParams
  2. you will find the video not auto appearing


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Android
  • OS: 9
  • Version 28

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi Cupajoe41,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Are you getting this issue with logged-in user? or API user?


I’ve also encounter the same problem.
We upgraded the sdk to v4.4.55130.0712 (Android sdk) and video/audio are off by default.
The user must enable it manually by pressing the video/audio icon.
I Tried to assign JoinMeetingOptions with:

opts.no_audio = false;
opts.no_video = false;

and it didn’t work.
I initiate the JoinMeetingParams without user id and password:

JoinMeetingParams params = new JoinMeetingParams();
params.displayName = DISPLAY_NAME;
params.meetingNo = meetingId;
meetingService.joinMeetingWithParams(cordova.getActivity().getApplicationContext(), params, opts);

If it’s a bug, is there any workaround until the next release?

Hi Izhar,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. I saw you have another post here:Video always muted when joinning metting, we will provide further assistance over there. Thanks!