Android Meeting SDK JWT issue

Dear Zoom Team,

We are updating our Zoom Meeting Android SDK from 5.11 to 5.14. Since appKey and appSecrect removed from “ZoomSDKInitParams()” in the 5.14 SDK, we are trying to generate a JWT token.

We used appKey,iat,exp & tokenExp params to create a meeting SDK JWT & passed this JWT to ZoomSDKInitParams(). But we are getting the below error:

Error = onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=1,  internalErrorCode=0

Note:We have tried both the sample project from the SDK and our existing SDK implementation.

We can see “errorCode=1” is ZOOM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS but we don’t know what are we missing here.

Kindly assist with this problems.

do you have a sample of the jwt token generated?

Hi Chun Siog,

Thank you for writing back.

Is there a secure method to share JWT token? We are concerned to share JWT token in a public forum.

I’ll PM you directly

@chunsiong.zoom Thanks this issue has been fixed when we increase “IAT” time to 31 minutes or greater as suggested you

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