onZoomSDKInitializeResult error


We are trying to integrate the Meeting SDK embedded into our own native Android and iOS mobile applications.

Currently, the status is “Draft” because we need to include the OAuth information in the App Marketplace console. Is it necessary to include it in order to test the example provided with the SDK?

Despite this, we have downloaded the latest versions of the SDK on Android (zoom-sdk-android- and iOS (zoom-sdk-ios- and are trying to initialize the SDK with JWT token.

For example, with these values:


  • “alg”: “HS256”,*
  • “type”: “JWT”*


  • “appKey”: “Client ID obtained from the marketplace build console”,*
  • “iat”: 1713510348,*
  • “exp”: 1713683148,*
  • “tokenExp”: 1713512148*



  • base64UrlEncode(header) + “.” +*
  • base64UrlEncode(payload),*

Client Secret obtained from the marketplace build console

) secret base64 encoded

However, we are getting response

-On Android

Sometimes we get the answer: onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=5, internalErrorCode=124

which we have seen corresponds to ZOOM_ERROR_AUTHRET_TOKENWRONG - Static variable in interface us.zoom.sdk.ZoomError The jwt token to authenticate is wrong

Other times we get the answer: onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=1, internalErrorCode=0

which we have seen corresponds to ZOOM_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS `

-On iOS

we get the answer MobileRTCAuthError_TokenWrong 124 The JWT token to authenticate is wrong.

Please, could you help us?

Thank you so much

@juanjose.sanchez do you have a sample of the generated token?

It is already working for us, we had generated the JWT token with some error. Thank you so much

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