Android sdk Initialize failed "Error code 5 internal error code 124

Facing error while initialize zoom sdk in android zoom SDK version is “zoom-sdk-android-”

        var zoomSDK: ZoomSDK? = null
        var initParams: ZoomSDKInitParams? = null
            zoomSDK = ZoomSDK.getInstance()
            initParams = ZoomSDKInitParams()
            initParams.domain = ""
            initParams.jwtToken = SDK_JWT
            zoomSDK.initialize(this, this as ZoomSDKInitializeListener, initParams)

we got the below error code on the initialized result

onZoomSDKInitializeResult(errorCode =5 and internalErrorCode=124)
SDK_JWT={“alg”:“HS256”,“typ”:“JWT”}{“appKey”:“server to server OAuth ClientID”,“sdkKey”:“server to server OAuth ClientID”,“mn”:98254090074,“role”:1,“iat”:1704901790,“exp”:1704988190,“tokenExp”:1704905390}  fY]P"99t2_{m

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