Initialize android ZOOM Sdk issue: onZoomSDKInitializeResult with errorCode=5, internalErrorCode=124

Hello everyone,
I am trying to build a demo of an android app with ZOOM meeting embedded. But i am facing an issue when trying to initialize.

My credential (At App Marketplace manage page):

Client ID

My code:

private void initializeZoomSdk(Context context){
        try {
            ZoomSDK sdk = ZoomSDK.getInstance();
            ZoomSDKInitParams params = new ZoomSDKInitParams();
            params.domain = "";
            params.enableLog = true;
            params.jwtToken = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBLZXkiOiJ1WnpLeXh0elM3MlJDak1LamhEZTB3IiwiaWF0IjoxNzE4MjUyMzk0LCJleHAiOjE3MTgzODE1O...";

            ZoomSDKInitializeListener zoomSDKInitializeListener = new ZoomSDKInitializeListener() {
                public void onZoomSDKInitializeResult(int errorCode, int internalErrorCode) {
                    Log.d("xxx", "Zoom init errorCode:" + errorCode);
                    Log.d("xxx", "Zoom init internalErrorCode:" + internalErrorCode);

                public void onZoomAuthIdentityExpired() {
                    Log.d("xxx", "onZoomAuthIdentityExpired()");
            sdk.initialize(context, zoomSDKInitializeListener, params);
        catch (Exception e){
            Log.d("xxx", "Zoom init failed");

Zoom init errorCode:5
Zoom init internalErrorCode:124

JWT token:

  "appKey": "uZzKyxtzS72RCjMK...",
  "iat": 1718252394,
  "exp": 1718381586,
  "tokenExp": 1718381586

SDK version: v6.0.12.22275 (Latest)

Is the appKey value equivalent to my client ID? If so, where is the problem and please give me a solution. Thank you so much.

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