onZoomSDKInitializeResult errorCode=5 internalErrorCode=124

Meeting SDK Type and Version

SDK:Zoom SDK for Android
SDK Version:


I am encountering an issue while attempting to initialize the Zoom SDK in an Android application. The JWT token generation seems correct and the signature is verified, but the SDK initialization fails with the following error:

  • onZoomSDKInitializeResult, errorCode=5, internalErrorCode=124
  • Zoom SDK initialization failed. Error code: 5
  • Initialization failed with unknown error.

Despite ensuring that the JWT token structure follows the required format, the initialization process does not complete successfully.


Error Code: 5
Internal Error Code: 124
Error Message:Initialization failed with unknown error.

@chunsiong.zoom @m.mudasir please suggest me what should i do for this error

@parth.sangani what type of app is that on marketplace?

You will need a General App with Meeting SDK turned on.

Thank you @chunsiong.zoom
My problem was resolved . :innocent: :innocent: