API development to download cloud recordings

Hello!, I am developing an API that downloads the recordings by date range from Zoom Cloud, I am doing this development with Python as the programming language, the problem is that every time I run the code it shows me the following error,
“Error getting the list of users: 401, {“code”:124,“message”:“This API does not support client credentials for authorization.”}”
I have administrator permissions within the environment, also review the permissions that are given to you. I granted the application within Zoom, and I don’t know what is wrong, it should be noted that this is the first time I have done this integration and that I don’t know much about Zoom integrations, in addition I have seen in the forum of developers who have a similar problem, but the vast majority have problems obtaining the “access Token”, which they did manage to obtain. I would like to ask for a little guidance to know what is missing, if it is purely a code problem or if I configure something wrong within Zoom. Thank you so much.


Can you share what API endpoint you are using and also post the code snippet that handles this API call ?

I managed to download the script, in the end it was a token problem, but now the problem is that the token only lasts 1 hour, and I can’t get the refresh token. I get the token from postman, and then I paste it into the code. It is a very mechanical way, but it works for me despite my lack of knowledge.

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Awesome! Happy to hear the behavior is now resolved.