API for remove a user from webmeeting programatically using API

At present, we are using the API to make the user join the Zoom Meeting. We need the support of removing the user from the meeting.

Is there a API which can be called to remove a user who have joined the meeting so that his session gets terminated.

Hi @Seethaprasad_Mandike,

When you create a meeting, you can add a registration_type, to make sure attendees registers[0]. From there you can use the Update Meeting Registrant Status API[1] to remove the user from the meeting.

[0] - https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/meetingcreate
[1] - https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/meetingregistrantstatus

Thanks. We will check out.

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Hello, I have changed the registrant status, but it seems that it has no effect on the current meeting. Is it enough to change the status to cancel to remove a user from the session?

Thank you

Hey @diego.pacheco,

Currently there is no Zoom API to kickout a user from a live Zoom meeting.

The update registrant status endpoint is only for before the meeting happens.


Hi Tommy,

Is there any other way for this.
Like in SDK there is expel (https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/sdk/sdk-reference/web-reference). Will this help user to kickout from live Zoom meeting?

I’m also needing this functionality.

I’ve now wasted many many hours fighting your Oauth API only to realise the “remove from chat channel” functionality only applies to the chat system, not to meetings. I have a product about 90% complete except for the fact your platform doesn’t provide this most basic of features. I am very, very frustrated and quite close to not using your product any more.


Like, how do you have such a serious security issue that it has its own terminology but no ability to kick users via API? It utterly boggles the mind.

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Hey @jsn.net,

Yes, the expel function will kick out the user when using the Web SDK.


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Hey @nuklearfiziks,

Sorry to hear you are not happy with the Zoom APIs. The Zoom Meeting APIs are for pre and post meeting functionality. We do not have APIs for kicking a user out of a meeting.

You can use our SDKs if you would like to have control over the meeting experience and kick users out programmatically.

Feel free to submit a feature request for a kick user from meeting API: #feature-requests

Also here are our best practices to secure your meetings:


You’re totally missing the point but fine here’s a feature request post

I also don’t think pushing people to use a SDK is an appropriate solution. Not only is your SDK proprietarily licensed, the source code isn’t public. This makes it impossible for me to use it in my project, because I wish to license it was GPLv3 which your license is incompatible with.

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Closing this topic with this solution:

We do not have APIs for kicking a user out of a meeting.

You can use our SDKs if you would like to have control over the meeting experience and kick users out programmatically.

Feel free to submit a feature request for a kick user from meeting API: #feature-requests

Also here are our best practices to secure your meetings: https://zoom.us/docs/en-us/privacy-and-security.html
