API hasn't passed marketplace verification

I am going to build a Zoom app. I am still in the development phase. But when I want to use “zoomSdk.Config(…)”, I get this error below in the console:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: API hasn’t passed marketplace verification.[error from web: code:40316, msg:‘This api is not supported’]

I just activated these features in Zoom app control panel, and then, call them in “zoomSdk.config”:

I’m using the latest ASP.NET Core with React.

Is there any suggestion? I couldn’t find any similar topic.

@bagheri.saleh Hope, you will be fine.

Please verify that you have enabled the above features/functions/events from App Dashboard.

Thank you for your response,

Yes, I have added all the mentioned features (APIs) to the App.

After you have added those features within the Marketplace App page please ensure that you reinstall the application so that they are available to the app.

If that doesn’t help, can you narrow down which function is throwing that error. I’ll attempt to reproduce the problem on my end.