API link for Getting webinar participant details

Hi All,
Need a small help on the getting the API link to get webinar participant details correct.
I am trying to generate participant info details for a particular meeting id.
API used is as below

Its a valid webinar id with 33 participants
However i am getting the error
“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: 96404365039.”

Not sure what is wrong as I seem to be using the same API end point as mentioned in documentation.

Hi @shilpesh.pillai
Thanks for reaching out to us.
When you call this endpoint, specify what type of webinar you are trying to query. In your case, you should be using the query parameter type=past
The default value is live, this could be the reason why you are getting this error.

Please try again and let me know if this helps!

Hi @elisa.zoom .
Thanks for the suggestion. It worked

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