Apk size after adding Android Zoom SDK

Hi @indrajit.chauhan03,

In addition to applying abiFilters, have you tried setting extractNativeLibs to true in your app’s manifest?



Hi @jon.zoom
Thanks for the reply. This one helps at some level to compress the size.

Glad I could help!

Please don’t hesitate to reach back out in a new post with any additional questions. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much @jon.zoom for helping the people of this community. I also get help from this post and my problem is solved after 5 hours. Thanks again and keep sharing such things.

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The demo itself works successfully when creating a demo app that implements the Zoom Android SDK.

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I was facing the same issue and luckily visited here. Now, i can solve my problem after reading comments here. Thanks for the best platform. Keep sharing your valuable content with us.

I am facing the same issue , my app size was initially 25mb now it is more than 500mb after upgrading to 5.14 version , could you please insist me on this.

Integrating the Zoom SDK into your application can indeed increase the overall size of your APK due to the additional resources and libraries that come with the SDK. However, the sizes you’ve mentioned seem unusually large, and it’s essential to investigate the reasons behind the significant increase.

Here are some potential reasons and steps to consider:

  1. Assets and Resources: The Zoom SDK may come with additional assets and resources for different architectures. Check if there are unnecessary resources or duplicate files in your project. You might be able to optimize the inclusion of these resources.
  2. Debug vs. Release Build: Ensure that you are building a release version of your APK rather than a debug version. Debug builds often include additional information for debugging purposes and can be larger in size.
  3. Proguard and Code Shrinking: Implement Proguard and code shrinking to remove unused code and resources. This can significantly reduce the size of your APK. Make sure that you have proper Proguard rules for the Zoom SDK to avoid obfuscating necessary classes.
  4. Dependencies: Check if there are any conflicting dependencies or if you are including unnecessary libraries in your project. Dependencies can contribute to the overall size of the APK.
  5. SDK Version: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Zoom SDK. Sometimes, newer versions include optimizations and size reductions.
  6. Split APKs: Consider using the Android App Bundle format and enabling the generation of split APKs for different architectures. This allows users to download only the necessary APK for their device, reducing the overall size for each user.
  7. Optimize Images and ;Resources: Compress and optimize images and other resources in your project to reduce their size.
  8. Custom Configuration: Check if there are any custom configurations or settings in your project that might be contributing to the size increase.

If after investigating these aspects, the size remains unexpectedly large, consider reaching out to Zoom support for specific guidance on optimizing the SDK integration or if there are any additional considerations for reducing the size in your specific use case. I want to add that in my client work he needs to integrate that in https://picsartfree.com/

[quote=“Hassi, post:32, topic:16573, username:hassihales97”]
Integrating the Zoom SDK into your application can indeed increase the overall size of your APK due to the additional resources and libraries that come with the SDK. However, the sizes you’ve mentioned seem unusually large, and it’s essential to investigate the reasons behind the significant increase.

Here are some potential reasons and steps to consider:

  1. Assets and Resources: The Zoom SDK may come with additional assets and resources for different architectures. Check if there are unnecessary resources or duplicate files in your project. You might be able to optimize the inclusion of these resources.
  2. Debug vs. Release Build: Ensure that you are building a release version of your APK rather than a debug version. Debug builds often include additional information for debugging purposes and can be larger in size.
  3. Proguard and Code Shrinking: Implement Proguard and code shrinking to remove unused code and resources. This can significantly reduce the size of your APK. Make sure that you have proper Proguard rules for the Zoom SDK to avoid obfuscating necessary classes.
  4. Dependencies: Check if there are any conflicting dependencies or if you are including unnecessary libraries in your project. Dependencies can contribute to the overall size of the APK.
  5. SDK Version: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Zoom SDK. Sometimes, newer versions include optimizations and size reductions.
  6. Split APKs: Consider using the Android App Bundle format and enabling the generation of split APKs for different architectures. This allows users to download only the necessary APK for their device, reducing the overall size for each user.
  7. Optimize Images and ;Resources: Compress and optimize images and other resources in your project to reduce their size.
  8. Custom Configuration: Check if there are any custom configurations or settings in your project that might be contributing to the size increase.

If after investigating these aspects, the size remains unexpectedly large, consider reaching out to Zoom support for specific guidance on optimizing the SDK integration or if there are any additional considerations for reducing the size in your specific use case. I want to add that in my client work he needs to integrate that in picsart mod apk