Arm64-v8a and armeabi Support


We are looking to ship the Zoom SDK in our android app in the coming week and in addition to the currently supported armeabi-v7a, we also need support for arm64-v8a, and armeabi. Also, x86_64 support would be nice for emulators.

Hi Amit,

We support only 32 bit libs now. To work on 64 bit devices, you should not use other 64 bit libs ( from other projects or other third party SDK). Android OS can support 32 bit libs on 64 bit devices if you don’t have other 64 bit libs in the project


I understand. Since they are 32bit, can we get armeabi and x86 ARRs? 

Hi Amit,

Currently Zoom doesn’t support armeabi and x86 ARRs. We will consider adding to our roadmap based on amount of user requests.