Associate a User to Zoom User ID

We use the zoom meetings SDK in our mobile app to run a trainer lead fitness program.
We do not ask the users to login to zoom. While the core functionality works very well, we are not sure how to associate a meeting participant to a user id on our backend.
This is in order to get statistics on which users joined the sessions and the duration of attendance.

Which Mobile Meeting SDK version?
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Hi @native, thanks for using our SDK.

If a user does not log into Zoom, we do not have permission to track them between meetings. For that reason, the user ID assigned by our back end is generated when the user joins a meeting and lasts only as long as they remain in that meeting.

Due to the above constraint, you would be able to provide your own ID through the customer_key field when joining a meeting in order to determine which user from your own records is associated with a specific user ID in a meeting.


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