Audio encode and decode events don't fire on mobile browser


Today, I tested the 1.5.5 version again
I downloaded the sample app
I changed the /video path to VideoSingle:

<Route path="/video" component={VideoSingle} />

I log the payload in onMediaSDKChange:

const onMediaSDKChange = useCallback((payload) => {
  const { action, type, result } = payload;
  dispatch({ type: `${type}-${action}`, payload: result === 'success' });
}, []);

I hosted the app on my domain
I open the website in Chrome on Windows PC:
You see that we have the audio encode and decode events log

I open the website in Chrome on Android:
You see that we don’t have the audio encode and decode events log

@thanh.huynh, Hi hope you will be fine.

Chrome Version :point_up_2:

Hey @thanh.huynh

Thanks for your feedback.

On the mobile platform, we didn’t trigger the audio decoding/encoding events, and the audio payload of the media-sdk-change event only needs to be paid attention to on the desktop Safari.


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