Does something like this already exist?
I use Zoom to communicate with video post-production clients to go over works in progress.
I switch between the audio/video output of my Mac editing program (to discuss the film while watching it) and a webcam to talk face-to-face.
This involves changing the video/audio settings every time I switch between screening the film and talking face-to-face with a webcam.
Every time I switch between the two I need to change a number of audio and video preferences in Zoom’s Preferences pane.
Not just the video and audio source, but a bunch of the more “obscure” preferences.
This involves not just the video source, but the audio source, audio music-optimized vs voice-chat optimized, auto-audio-level on or off, audio-output destination, etc.
I have tried using a macro-program (Keyboard Maestro), but that is pretty finicky and only works sporadically, plus any GUI change Zoom makes to new version-releases renders those macros useless.
Is there any add-on out there that would let us hit one button and change the entire set of Zoom audio/video preferences with one click?
Again we are using Zoom on Macs running OS X.