Automatic recording


First, I want to thank you for your help in the past, I implemented the zoom webSDK in my website and it works amazing!

Now, I am facing another issue, hopefully you’ll be able to help me with it.

I create the zoom meeting via my account (pro plan).
Then, I have a platform where students and a teacher login from to the zoom meeting.

What I want to achieve, is to record the zoom meeting via the teacher account (when it’s pinned to the teacher only and the recorded video will have only his video and audio).
The recording should start automatically when the teacher logins to the meeting via the webSDK.

Is it possible?

Thanks a lot in advance!

I’m looking to acheive the same thing (automatic recording when a meeting start on web sdk) but I can’t seem to find it anywhere, is that possible? any workaround on this ?

Hey @ramy.dridi @ronen.landesman,

If you’re looking to have your meeting recorded in the Zoom Web SDK, you’ll need to add the record function into your ZoomMtg.Join() success callback function.

record: true

You can find some more details on how to do this here:

Let me know if this is what you’re looking for!


that didn’t work unfortunately.
the only time it worked is when I set the auto_record option in the account settings to on (pro account). but If i have 10 users that will be creating 10 meetings with auto record, it’s unpractical to ask each one of them to login to their account and set it.


Thanks for you answer.
Does it work only for hosts?
Is it possible to record only myself? (To pin the recording only to my audio and video)
Also, following to Ramy’s question, does it mean I have to activate auto record in my zoom account?


Hey @ramy.dridi,

Where in your code did you place the recording function? Can you share your code snippet so we can investigate?

You can also set the automatic recording setting at the account level and lock it so all meetings record automatically.


Hey @ronen.landesman,

When using Cloud Recording, it records the whole meeting, you cannot specify who to record.

Let me know if that answers your question. :slight_smile:


Hey Tommy,

Thanks for your reply.

I need somehow to create an automatic recording of a specific person and not the whole meeting.
Maybe I can achieve this by transferring special parameter when that user is entering the zoom meeting from the webSDK?
If not, do you have any other suggestion of how I can achieve my objective?


Hey @ronen.landesman,

Unfortunately what you are trying to accomplish is not supported by the Web SDK.

Feel free to add this as a feature request here: #feature-requests



Do you know of any other way it’s possible?

Hey @ronen.landesman,

While we can appreciate your use case, I’m afraid there’s not currently a workaround for recording just one participant via Zoom functionality. Perhaps you might consider a 3rd party screen recorder if this is for use on your local device.


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