Better Zoom Phone Holiday Management for Auto Attendent

I am wondering if you could create more user friendly interface for holiday management to adjust open and closed hours. For instance when we are on a break, we are open from 9am-3pm vs 7am-6pm. Being able to create a holiday with a unique open business hours would be helpful.

In our old 8x8 phone system we were given the option to create multiple schedules for our Auto Attendants. This provided us with the capability of changing the open/closed hours during different parts of the year.


Creating a user-friendly interface for holiday management with adjustable open and closed hours is definitely feasible and can greatly enhance scheduling flexibility. Here’s a conceptual design for such an interface:

Holiday Management Interface:

  1. Calendar View:
  • Display a monthly calendar with holidays marked.
  • Clicking on a holiday date reveals details of the holiday, including its unique open and closed hours.
  1. Holiday Creation:
  • Provide a button to add a new holiday.
  • When adding a holiday, users can input the date and give it a name (e.g., “Summer Break”).
  • Set the unique open and closed hours for that specific holiday (e.g., “9:00 AM - 3:00 PM”).
  1. Holiday List:
  • Show a list of all holidays added.
  • Allow users to edit or delete existing holidays from this list.
  1. Business Hours Adjustment:
  • Provide a separate section for regular business hours (non-holiday hours).
  • Users can set default business hours (e.g., “7:00 AM - 6:00 PM”) which apply to non-holiday days.
  1. Time Slots Selection:
  • When setting open and closed hours, allow users to select from pre-defined time slots (e.g., 15-minute increments) or input custom times.
  1. Confirmation and Validation:
  • Request confirmation when creating or editing holidays to avoid accidental changes.
  • Validate input to ensure the open hours do not exceed the closed hours and vice versa.
  1. Notifications:
  • Display reminders when a holiday is approaching.
  • Notify users if a holiday’s open hours overlap with an existing holiday or business hours.
  1. Color-coded Visualization:
  • Use different colors to differentiate regular business days, holidays, and weekends in the calendar view.
  1. Export and Import:
  • Allow users to export the holiday schedule to a file and import schedules from previous years or other sources.
  1. User Roles and Permissions:
  • Implement role-based access to ensure only authorized personnel can modify the holiday schedule.
  1. Responsive Design:
  • Ensure the interface is user-friendly and responsive across different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  1. Help and Documentation:
  • Include a user guide or tooltips to explain the functionality of the interface and guide users through the process.

By incorporating these features, the holiday management interface would provide an easy-to-use solution for adjusting open and closed hours during holidays, contributing to a more efficient and flexible scheduling process.