Breakout rooms API

Hi, everybody.
We need little bit automatisation of the work with your service.
We are created test application kind of JWT. And makes requests towards to the system like example in documentation:

But, for me do not understand several issues:

  1. How I can take list user which are connected to the meeting? What is name of method which do this answer?
  2. How I can (through API) move users to “breakout rooms” from the meeting? Are exist some methods for “breakout rooms”?
  3. During to work I see answer: “Invalid access token” from some methods (for example, «v2/accounts»). But at the time another methods take a correct answers (for example, «v2/users»). I attach the screenshot with the situation. How I can take full access to all API of system?


Thank you for using Zoom,

Please find my responses to your questions:

  1. How I can take list user which are connected to the meeting? What is name of method which do this answer?

A. If you are trying to retrieve a specific user, you can consider using this api:

If you are trying to list the meeting registrants use this API:

  1. How I can (through API) move users to “breakout rooms” from the meeting? Are exist some methods for “breakout rooms”?

A. At this time, this feature is not available, but I will take this as a feature request and forward it to our developers. They can consider adding these features in future releases. I will update this thread once the feature is available.

  1. During to work I see answer: “Invalid access token” from some methods (for example, «v2/accounts»). But at the time another methods take a correct answers (for example, «v2/users»). I attach the screenshot with the situation. How I can take full access to all API of system?

A. Here are some reasons to receive the error:
a. The Access token is expired
b. The Access token is not valid for that account (it could belong to some other account)

Please let me know if that answers your questions.



@ojus.zoom Is API for breakout room is ready?

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Hi @tvarshney,

We’re still planning on having a breakout rooms API, however right now our priority is Zoom Room, Phone, and Chat APIs for the next few releases.



Hi Michael Purnell, I would be most delighted to hear about any release for the Breakout Rooms API. Happy to be an early tester for you.

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Hey @theghostcoder, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

We appreciate your interest in the Breakout Rooms API. Although, as of now we do not have a timeline.

Stay updated here: and


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@tommy and @ojus.zoom – any update here? We could really use this as well.

With more and more events and meetups getting cancelled due to coronavirus and moving online, this should move to the top of your product backlog.

Happy to talk w/ UX / product folks if they want more insight into use cases.

Hey @caseyrosengren, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

No updates as of yet, however we appreciate your interest in this feature and will work on fitting it in to our backlog. (ZOOM-11972)


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We are currently evaluating your api, and being able to programmatically assign users to breakout rooms is one of the key things we are interested in. I suppose a clunky workaround would be to create new meetings. The docs for create a meeting say there is a 100 per day rate limit per users. Is that the api user or the user the meeting is created for?

Hey @frank.becker,

Thanks for sharing your interest in the Zoom Breakout Rooms API, we will evaluate adding this feature.

In the meantime, please see instructions on pre assigning breakout rooms:

The user the meeting is being created for.


Question to ZOOM Team

I know there will be delay in response as the ZOOM Team is busy helping the community in the current situation.

Can we have API for assigning/uploading CSV for Breakout Rooms?
It will make our life very east when we are automating our meeting invites.

Thank you,


Hey @kunal,

Currently no timeline for this. Your best bet is to preassign participants to breakout rooms. You can use a CSV:


Thank @tommy, currently that is what I am doing, this is still better than nothing.

thank you so much.


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Happy to help! :slight_smile:


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How can we bump this feature up. Really useful feature and i can’t wait to be able to tap into it.


Hey @phil.chan,

I have added your interest to the feature request.


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Adding my interest to this. A breakout rooms API is critical for enabling rich conference workflows.

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I also would like to bump this feature request. We really need this.


Thanks for your interest @jamievicary, @dfeehrer.

Please see this in the meantime:


Add another +1 for API access to breakout rooms, along with cloud recording of them. Critical path for advanced workflows.


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