Breakout Rooms GetBOCreatorHelper, GetBOAdminHelper both return NULL


  • Even though the SDK user has Host status and breakout rooms are enabled for the meeting, SDKInterfaceWrap::GetInst().GetMeetingService()->GetMeetingBOController()->GetBOAdminHelper() returns NULL
  • onHasAttendeeRightsNotification and onLostAttendeeRightsNotification do get called when breakout rooms are started, so I have the interface integrated correctly
  • all other pure virtuals in IBOControllerEvent (onHasAdminRightsNotification) are not called, despite SDK client user receiving host status. A regular Zoom Client user with host status can do things such as creating breakout rooms / starting or ending breakout sessesions
  • Everything else I’ve tested in the SDK seems to work fine

Do I need a special (pro / enterprise) account for this to work? I assumed that since a regular account can perform breakout rooms admin tasks if they have host status, that the same applies to the SDK interfaces – is this not the case? If this is expected to work, then I can provide additional details / code / reproduction steps

Which version?
Master branch on GitHub for Windows SDK

Has Anyone solved this? Still trying to get the GetBOdataHelper to not return NULL.

Thank you for any help!

Hi @Evan_Fed,

What is the role of the current user when you are trying to access this? And at what point are you trying to get the data helper? If you have not received the onHasDataHelperRightsNotification callback yet, you can’t access the helper.


It should be a guest as I am just logging in through the meeting number and setting the name manually each time.

So, for clarification, the user needs to have had the onHasDataHelperRightsNotification sent to him, correct?
Where would that be sent from and how would I get the IBOData to send to the original user?

Thank you!
Evan Federowicz

Even when logged into an account with Co-Host rights, I don’t seem to trigger the OnHasDataHelperRightsNotification function.

Even though it’s integrated into the sdk_util.h and sdk_util.cpp, is there a certain way to call the OnNotifications?

Thank you for any help you can offer!

Hi @Evan_Fed,

At what point are you trying to access the IBOData interface? If you have not yet received that callback, you may be trying to access it too early. You mentioned that you are joining the meeting and setting the meeting name, but are any breakout room actions taken?

Even though it’s integrated into the sdk_util.h and sdk_util.cpp, is there a certain way to call the OnNotifications?

These are callbacks invoked internally in the SDK. They indicate that the SDK has reached a specific state, which cannot be determined within your application. For that reason, it is not possible to force them to be invoked.


I am trying to access it in the Custom_UI_Mgr.CPP, where it would call a custom function and get the MeetingBOController

Ohh Okay, Well right now, It doesn’t show the breakout button so no actions can be taken until I am sure that the integration won’t cause a crash.

Thank you,
Evan Federowicz

Hi @Evan_Fed,

Sorry, I am not asking where in your code you are using this, but rather what the meeting and breakout room states are when you try to.


So I am located in the main room, but the meeting is classified as a normal meeting rather than a breakout one. Even though there are 12+ breakout rooms.

Hi @Evan_Fed,

Are you seeing any change in behavior after the host starts breakout rooms and the current user joins their assigned room?


No, I am not seeing any change in behavior

Hi @Evan_Fed,

Can you confirm whether you are using a custom UI? The breakout-related interfaces only work with your own custom UI, so if you are using the default breakout UI, they will not work correctly.
