BUG ! Update meeting_authentication .authentication_option

Hello, Im licensed user and im trying to create meeting that is for only specific emails - that are added from from the registrant API thats why i wanna try add authentication_option: type - Signed in to account associated with invited email. Why is there no option for that type
only these ones ? Allowed: enforce_login┃enforce_login_with_same_account┃enforce_login_with_domains

When i tried to add option on the account from the API’s

I found a bug
on API PATCH - https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/me/settings?option=meeting_authentication
It does not work with “action”: “add” or “delete”

This is from the example - just action is changed - from update to add and id is removed
“allow_authentication_exception”: true,
“authentication_option”: {
“action”: “update”,
“default_option”: true,
“domains”: “example.com”,
“name”: “test name”,
“type”: “enforce_login_with_domains”
“meeting_authentication”: true

code: 300
message: Validation Failed.

field: authentication_option.action
message: Invalid field.

Also there is an other error, when i try to update default_option on manualy added authentication_optiop. type: invited emails

“authentication_option”: {
“action”: “update”,
“default_option”: true,
“id”: “fBYrM1J5R5mGt9fbxXAqwQ”,
“name”: “test 2”

“code”: -1,
“message”: “Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()" because the return value of "com.google.common.collect.BiMap.get(Object)" is null”