C# wrapper demo client authorization callback not being called

I was able to solve this problem.


  1. Unzip zoom-c-sharp-wrapper-5.5.12511.0422.zip (Start with a clean sln)
  2. Open the file zoom_sdk_c_sharp_wrap.sln in VisualStudio
  3. Change project configuration to Release, change platform to x86
  4. Build the solution
  5. Right-click on “zoom_sdk_demo” in the Solution Explorer after the build is finished
  6. Click “Set as StratUp Project”
  7. Click Start (in Visual Studio)
  8. MainWindow.xaml is shown
  9. Input token and Click Auth

The guide says “Open the demo project by clicking zoom_sdk_demo.csproj”, but I started the demo with the sln file open.

My development environment is as follows
・Windows 10
・Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Version 16.9.4
・C# wrapper v5.5.12511.0422