C# wrapper onUserAudioStatusChange event problem

Hello all

I do use C# wrapper from GitHub - zoom/zoom-c-sharp-wrapper: C# wrapper for Zoom Windows SDK. The version is [v4.6.21666.0428].

I do have an issue in audio event handler (see code snippet below):

serviceController = ZOOM_SDK_DOTNET_WRAP.CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap();
audioController = serviceController.GetMeetingAudioController();


private void onUserActiveAudioChange(uint[] lstActiveAudio) 
            Console.WriteLine("onUserActiveAudioChange lstActiveAudio");
            if (lstActiveAudio != null)
                foreach (uint el in lstActiveAudio)
                    Console.WriteLine("activeAudio={0}", el);

private void onUserAudioStatusChange(IUserAudioStatusDotNetWrap[] lstAudioStatusChange) 
            Console.WriteLine("onUserAudioStatusChange lstAudioStatusChange");
            if (lstAudioStatusChange != null) 
                foreach (IUserAudioStatusDotNetWrap el in lstAudioStatusChange) 
                    Console.WriteLine("GetUserId={0} GetStatus={1} GetAudioType={2}", el.GetUserId(), el.GetStatus(), el.GetAudioType());
                    if (el.GetUserId() == myUserID) 
                        audioState = el.GetStatus();
                        Console.WriteLine("myaudiostate {0}", audioState);

The userID in logs that I’m getting from event handles is always 0 and I can’t detect which user did mute/unmute mic then.

The logs are showing this:

onUserActiveAudioChange lstActiveAudio
onUserAudioStatusChange lstAudioStatusChange
GetUserId=0 GetStatus=Audio_UnMuted GetAudioType=AUDIOTYPE_VOIP

Can anyone help? In onUserActiveAudioChange is userID filled in correctly, but in OnUserAudioStatusChange handler not.
Thank you

I resolved it. There was an issue with wrapper. In meeting_audio_dotnet_wrap.cpp

virtual unsigned int GetUserId()
if (m_pStatus)
return 0;

changed to:

virtual unsigned int GetUserId()
if (m_pStatus)
return (unsigned int)m_pStatus->GetUserId();
return 0;

now it works.
GetUserId=16778240 GetStatus=Audio_Muted GetAudioType=AUDIOTYPE_VOIP
onUserActiveAudioChange lstActiveAudio

Just in case anyone else is having the same issue.

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Happy to hear you resolved the issue! :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing the solution!
