C# wrapper working with Unity

Going to attempt to utilise the desktop SDK through Unity using the C# wrapper

It mentions on the GitHub that the C# wrapper will not be actively supported.
Will it be passively supported?
What is Zoom’s policy on supporting it moving forward, will they revoke access?

I have followed the steps listed on the wrapper github

And also the official documentation

When I click start to launch the app I am prompted to enter my key and secret.
Once I do this however and click Auth, the window disappears and nothing else happens.

Hi Aidan,

Thank you for using Zoom SDK. The C# wrapper is a community project, we will occasionally contribute to the project, but it will not as frequent as the other SDK projects. We are always welcoming the community to contribute to this project.



Thanks for the reply. Are you getting any error messages? Can you provide any logs?


No error messages as I can find them.

Are logs auto-generated? Where would I find them


We have received your request, and we will be responding to it shortly.



If you are not able to retrieve logs or error messages from the console prints, you can try to enable the log feature in our Windows SDK. In Windows SDK, when initialize the SDK, set enableLogByDefault to be true will enable to log feature in SDK.

ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::InitParam initParam;
initParam.strWebDomain = strWebDomain.c_str();
initParam.strSupportUrl = L"https://zoom.us"; 
initParam.enableLogByDefault = true;
m_bSDKInit = CSDKHelper::Init(initParam);

Once it is set, you can find the log file in the path: %appdata%/zoomsdk/logs/.

Any info or details that could help us to reproduce your issue would help us to provide better assistance with the issue you are facing.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

Did you have any luck with this? I have an edtech app and wanted to make it easier for teachers to read together on zoom…? Thanks for posting!

Hi hedman,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Are you facing the same issue as the original post? Could you provide more info on the SDK issue you are facing?
