Hi There,
We are running chromium in Linux environment, and have couple camera sources, (/dev/video0, /dev/video1, /dev/vidoe2 ). The JS SDK will always try to open the first camera( /dev/video0 ), if the camera is used by other program, it will report this and then you will never have chance to select the rest cameras.
One other question, in the SDK, it there possible only expose one camera to the web client, since we use (/dev/video0, /dev/video1) for other program, and try only use (/dev/video2) for zoom web client. The video2 camera device id is fixed, right now the encoder performance for camera is 360p as mentioned. anyway to support hi resolution 720p raw video camera?
We’re still looking into your issue about the cameras, we’ll follow up as soon as we can. Also right now we only support 360p resolution for Websdk, we’re hoping to upgrade soon.
Thanks for use our WebSDK, we can’t get the camera status before use it. so customer have to change camera if it been used by other program, we can try all camera and find available one, but i don’t think it’s a good way.
and for the camera sequence, we always use /dev/video0 because all media device mount with a order https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaDevices/enumerateDevices , the operation use the first as default device, zoom use default device.
we are planning improve resolution to 720p. but still some limitation.