Camera view resets mirrored state when run "zoomSdk.runRenderingContext({ view: 'camera' })"

Zoom Apps Configuration

I have an app that render some content to camera view. However when I call method “zoomSdk.runRenderingContext({ view: ‘camera’ })” the camera view flips. How I can avoid it? It looks not okay when app starts to work and flip camera with no reason

How To Reproduce

  1. Make sure that you have active checkbox ‘Mirror my video’ in your zoom video settings
  2. Run next method zoomSdk.runRenderingContext({ view: ‘camera’ })

AR: Camera flips
ER: Camera shouldn’t flips

Can somebody give an answer?

This sounds like a bug but I checked with our SME to ensure this isn’t the intended behavior. When they get back to me, I’ll file a bug if necessary.

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Hey! Do you have any updates of this issue?