Can I render to galleries on one page with two different canvas elements?

can I render to galleries on one page with two different canvas elements?

Hey @yakov.yarmo

Thanks for your feedback.

It’s feasible but we don’t recommend rendering videos on different canvases, it may have performance issues.


how can I do that?
When I tried it didn’t render.

I’m trying to achieve speaker view for more then 3 people.
But I’m not able to render the same participant twice.
I need to render it both on the speaker canvas and the gallery canvas.

Hey @yakov.yarmo

Do you need to render the same participant more than once on the same canvas?

The stream.renderVideo method accepts an additional key parameter, which is used to render the same participant on different coordinates of the canvas.

If this value is not set, userId will be used as a unique value. If it is set, userId and additionalUserKey will be combined as a unique value.
