Can I use websocket in zoom apps?

Can I use websocket in zoom apps?

I have tried using pusher to see if websocket communication is possible within the zoom apps sample app, but I get the following error.

I looked up how to resolve this error and found that it seemed to be caught by the Content Sequrity Policy, so I wrote the following meta tag and tried to resolve the error.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="connect-src 'self'">

The following items are also added to the Domain Allow List.

If you know how I can use websocket with zoom apps, please let me know.

You can use websockets within a Zoom App but you will want to make sure the domain is whitelisted and the websocket URL is added to your Content Security Policy connect-src parameter.

And example of setting up the connect-src can be found in our Custom Layout sample app:

Let me know if that helps.