Can we have zoom running on our web page and still control or access certain in meeting functions from the page

Hi, @Terran,

Yes, you can embedded Zoom into your web page and perform pre and post meeting setup with our API and in meeting operations with our SDKs. Zoom API and Client SDKs are available to all Pro, Business, and Enterprise accounts with no additional cost. Registering and activating any Basic Zoom account will automatically provide free-trial Developer access to the Zoom API and SDKs. Use this free-trial period to test Zoom services and SDK functionality.

For more information about getting stated with our API and Client SDKs, you may visit our help documentation below:

  1. Developer Accounts

  2. API documentation

  3. SDK documentation

This Developer forum post provides some more in-depth detail:

Yes, it is possible to detect who is speaking in real time via our SDKs. Further, you can list meeting participants via API. Please see this helpful developer forum post and our list meeting participants API documentation for more details:

Yes, it is possible to control the speaker abilities of users with the our SDKs MuteAll feature, please see this helpful developer forum post for more details:

Please let me know if this answers your questions.
