Can we integrate with Windows based application? If yes how?

Hi All,

          Question is can I make HTTP Post using C#?  When I do so it says invalid platform. It means I have to make HTTP post using php or node.js only. How can I integrate Zoom with .net based applications? Thanks


Hi Dnyati

Can you provide some code that your using and the complete error message?


 Below is my code:

string endPoint = @"";          

            var client = new RestClient();

            client.EndPoint = endPoint;

            client.Method = HttpVerb.POST;

            string PostData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new


                api_key = “_5qbrcDkRQWb7HfQkTrhPA”,

                api_secret = “c25ndItvjwuROTcv2t1IgMQ6tvrN7dRpst4n”,

                data_type = “JSON”,

                host_id = “GC5g5_4-SI6OduvEN0Z5uQ”,

                topic = “Altitude”,

                type = “1”,

                registration_type = “1”,

                option_audio = “both”,

                option_auto_record_type = “local”


            txtRequest.Text = PostData;

            client.PostData = PostData;

            var json = client.MakeRequest();

            txtResponse.Text = json;


I also have Rest client class as per reference link.  I get below response when I post the request :

{“error”:{“code”:300,“message”:“Api key and secret are required.”}}


I also tried below code to post the request :


  HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(“”);


            request.Method = “POST”;

            request.KeepAlive = true;

            request.ContentType = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8”;

            using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))


                string PostData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(new


                    api_key = “_5qbrcDkRQWb7HfQkTrhPA”,

                    api_secret = “c25ndItvjwuROTcv2t1IgMQ6tvrN7dRpst4n”,

                    data_type = “JSON”,

                    host_id = “GC5g5_4-SI6OduvEN0Z5uQ”,

                    topic = “Altitude”,

                    type = “1”,

                    registration_type = “1”,

                    option_audio = “both”,

                    option_auto_record_type = “local”



                txtRequest.Text = PostData;



            var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))


                var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                txtResponse.Text = result;




Here also I am receiving same message. Kindly let me know if I miss anything while posting HTTP Request. Thanks


Is what you’re passing into Serialize supposed to be a valid JSON object?

I am able to get response using WebClient but not with HttpWebRequest. Passing same parameters in both the request. Not sure what is the issue with HttpWebRequest. Thanks !