Can we use access token of host received from existing Zoom OAuth app to get local recording of zoom meeting using MSDK

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I was using MeetingSDK app for performing OAuth flow (using for the meeting host. I’m using the meetingLocalRecordingJoinToken API endpoint in order to get host’s meeting join token for local recording. It is working when I use MeetingSDK app to authorize the host and use the host’s access token(as bearer token) in the meetingLocalRecordingJoinToken API endpoint.

Now I am trying to use Zoom OAuth app for authorizing the host and then using the host’ access token(as bearer token) in the meetingLocalRecordingJoinToken API endpoint.
When I do this, I see this error:

    "code": 2300,
    "message": "This API endpoint is not recognized."

By the documentation of this endpoint, it looks like this API endpoint only works when using Meeting SDK app. Is it not possible to use “Zoom OAuth” app instead to get the local recording token.

I have two apps. One is existing “Zoom OAuth” app which is currently used by our customers. Now I want to pass the access token from the “Zoom OAuth app” to my other app which is “Meeting SDK” app which I will be using to implement my zoom recording bot.

Is there a problem with this endpoint? am I using it wrong? how can this problem be solved?

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Make sure you have added the right scopes added in your Zoom OAuth app including meeting_token:read:local_recording. Obtain host’ authorization code from<zoom_oauth_app_client_id>&redirect_uri=<my_zoom_oauth_app_redirect_uri>.

2. Use host’s authorization code to retrieve host’s access token by using<host_authorization_code>&redirect_uri=<my_zoom_oauth_app_redirect_uri> and use Basic authentication mechanism using base64 encoded client id and client secret of zoom oauth app.

3. Use the host’s access token to retrieve host’s local recording token

4. You get error that API endpoint is not recognized.

Hi @deepak.babel

This does not seem to be formally supported, but I will confirm. With your OAuth app, does the host have the app installed?

HI @gianni.zoom ,
Nope. Not all hosts will have the Zoom OAuth app connected to their account.
Also did you get a response from your team on using access token received from “OAuth” app to “MeetingSDK” app.?

HI @gianni.zoom ,
Did you confirm with your team on this? Please let us know if this is possible!!

Hi @deepak.babel ,

While I am waiting for a response from our team, I suspect that if the hosts do not have the OAuth app connected to their account, this would not work with meetingLocalRecordingJoinToken.

Apologies for the late reply, yes u r right. But it doesn’t work either for the users who have installed the Zoom OAuth app.
Also did you hear back anything on this from your team?

Hi @deepak.babel ,

Essentially what I learned is that the flow you described works with standalone oauth app. But the resulting recording token requested this way using the host’s access token, can only be used by m-sdk app / bot brought to the meeting by the meeting host.

Okay @gianni.zoom ,
Thanks for sharing. We will try out and keep you updated.

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