Cannnot find commonlib folder in v5.17.11.20433

I’m currently using v5.14.5.13410 and trying to update to the latest version i.e v5.17.11.20433.

I downloaded the new version of the SDK zip folder. I cannot find commonlib directory.


I imported the mobilertc build.gradle and aar files, need help finding the commonlib resources or is there any new way to integrate the SDK?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @suhassrikar77 , starting from the version 5.17.0, we merge the methods in commonlib.aar into mobilertc.aar.

Oh! Okay. So, If I just delete the old commonlib folder and update the mobilertc folder then I’m good to go, right?

Yes, I think so, let me know if anything else, thanks!

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