Cannot create a new app

I already have one app and I attempted to create another one. When I select “Build App” from the Developer menu, I get the message:

“Your account already has Video SDK credentials.”

There is no way to create another app.

Hi @AndroidDev, thanks for the post.

Currently you can only have one set of SDK credentials per account. If you want two sets of credentials, you would need two distinct accounts.


Hi Jon,

That isn’t clear. My issue was about not being able to create a second app. Why can I not create a second app? I’m not interested in having multiple accounts. Just one account with multiple apps.


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Hi @AndroidDev,

This limitation is a result of how the Video SDK’s billing structure works. It is currently not compatible with multiple sets of SDK credentials being used on one account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Hi Jon,

I recommend that you modify your site to either disable the “Build App” button or better yet display a clear message that “Only one app is allowed when your account is bound to the Video SDK plan”. As it stands, there is nothing on the site that suggests that users cannot create multiple apps using the Video SDK plan.


Hi @AndroidDev,

Thank you for your suggestion. I think your concerns are valid and will forward this to our documentation team to look into.


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