Cannot get all recordings API by meetingid

During Zoom meetings of type schedule , we experience intermittent disruptions and closures, often attributed to weak internet connections.
This leads to the closure and reopening of the meeting,
When using the Zoom API to retrieve recordings, we are only able to access the last video, previous recordings seem inaccessible.
also the Zoom API for attendance does not provide accurate timings, the timings obtained seem to be inconsistent or incorrect .

@aya1 Hope you will be fine

Here is the session.

hi @freelancer.nak
thanks for your reply
but my issue that API didn’t return all recording by meetingid if the meeting closed and reopen again , i cannot get all recording what can get is one recording,
but on the recording management page all recordings are showen !!
so how to get all recordings

i 'm calling this api
new Uri(“” + obj.ZoomMeetingID + “/recordings”);


Please use meeting_uuid to pull all recordings. Every time the meeting starts Zoom assigns a new meeting_uuid called meeting instance id.

You can get all past meeting meeting_uuids of the same meeting ID by calling the get past meeting instances Endpoint.

Please double-encode meeting_uuid in the request url.


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okay i will test this


yes meeting_uuid working very perfect


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