Cannot get some recording settings

Hello Team,
In the documentation ( I don’t see settings ‘Record thumbnails when sharing’ and ‘Optimize the recording for 3rd party video editor’. Also I doesn’t get it in the response by request: GET [{userId}/settings].
But I have these settings on Zoom setting page:

Could you please say way to get this settings.

best regards,

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Hi, I am currently working on resolving your issue. I will reach out to you as soon as I have any updates

Hi, Great. Thank you.


Currently, the only way to get the settings enabled is through the web portal.
But we will take your suggestions as a feature request and forward it to our developers so that they can consider adding these features in future releases.


Would like to add my vote to this feature request. The settings surfaced through the api are barebones compared to what you can do on the web portal. Please get the rest of these settings into the api.

Thanks @zoom-test, I will add this to the feature request. We do not have a timeline on this, but you can follow our releases here.
