Cannot read property 'util' of undefined

Hii @chunsiong.zoom, @MaxM, @vic.yang

I an start zoom videosdk call in web browser showing error how to fix this error.

error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘util’ of undefined
at Function.isSupportVideoDecodeHardwareAcceleration (index.umd.js:1)
at index.umd.js:1
at m (index.umd.js:1)
at p (index.umd.js:1)
at t.a._next (index.umd.js:1)
at (index.umd.js:1)
at index.umd.js:1
at t.a._next (index.umd.js:1)
at (index.umd.js:1)
at e._subscribe (index.umd.js:1)

Hey there :wave:

Do you have a link to the repo you are using, or some additional code examples that would help me understand what you are trying to accomplish and what could be causing the error?

Hey @mukund

Can I confirm that subsequent operations for the Video SDK are executed after the resolution of the promise returned by the client.init method?

In other words, are you utilizing .then() or await to wait for the completion of the client.init method?
