Getting an error when Joining the meeting/webinar


I use Zoom SDK web component view to integrate with Zoom. It seems my code is working as I can see the Zoom component view with a message “The meeting has not started”. However, when I start the meeting, the message change to “Joining a meeting” and nothings happening, always see this message and I am getting error in console log says …

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getSupportedConstraints’)
at Object.isSupportCameraPan (1502_js_media.min.js:1:46126)
at Function.getPTZCapability (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at kS (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at yS (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1
at t.project (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at t._next (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at t._next (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1)
at (zoomus-websdk-embedded.umd.min.js:2:1) …

I am using operating system Ubuntu version 22.

Is this issue with local camera device, any though?

I have solved the issue for “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getSupportedConstraints’)”. Now the user can join the meeting. I have enabled an option in google chrome in local ENV(secure origins). Note that we should not encounter this issue when you use HTTPS protocol…

Steps to solve the issue:

  1. Go to this link chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure
  2. Enable Insecure origins treated as secure
  3. Enter your local url in “Insecure origins treated as secure” box
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