I wonder why I can’t delete cloud recordings.
I’m requesting all recordings from a host : https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/{}/recordings?trash_type=meeting_recordings&from={}&to={}&page_size=300
I’m processing the response
for each meeting https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{}/recordings?action=trash
For some of them I receive an 404 error: {"code":3301,"message":"There is no recording for this meeting"}
What’s wrong as I can see these recording from the web interface ?
I’m not confortable with double encoding recommended when using uuid, so I always use id.
Could you rapidely give me an example using python of double encoding ?
If you only supply the meetingID then it will only delete the most recent meeting IDs recording if it has any. The issue here is your meetingID’s latest instance didn’t have a recording.
Yes, please double url encode (encode the uuid twice) the meetingID since it has the slash. It will look like this: o8tt%252FRSnR9eKEif6jVDqOw%253D%253D