Can't disassociate pending user

I get error code 1001 when I try to disassociate a pending user.

Hey @quranonlinemessage,

I think the reason why this is happening is because the user is in the “pending” state, meaning they have not completed the signup flow.

Can you try deleting the user and re adding it?


Hey @tommy,

I found this in the reference.


  • If the user was linked to my account then I disassociated him, The API works well.
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I also have another question, Why when I create a meeting using create meeting API for a user and get a list of live meetings, I get empty meetings array.
Although, when I create a meeting using their personal ID, it works well

Hey @quranonlinemessage,

Did passing in disassociate work?

What type of meeting are you creating? If it is type 1, an instant meeting, it will not show up.


Hey @tommy,

Yeah, It works now.

Yeah, it is 1. Is there any way to get the meeting so I can end it and create a new one.

Hey @quranonlinemessage,

If you use scheduled meetings, (type 2 in the API) then you can get the meeting to end it.


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Hey @tommy,
Thank you very mush.
Now I want to know, I created OAuth app and it returned refresh_token with the response, Is it important to store it in the DB?

Hey @quranonlinemessage,

Yes you must also store the refresh_token because that is how you refresh and get a new access_token after it expires.

Please see the instructions here:


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